I am here today with a plea. A plea to make college football more accessible. Why doesn’t gamepass exist for college football?
It seems like a massive oversight, some terrible mistake made by the higher ups. This isn’t surprising. The NCAA after all is not a well-run organization, and almost constantly in chaos. The fact though that there is no concrete way to re watch college football games in a condensed format baffles me.
NFL gamepass is one of the best products on the market in my humble opinion. You can watch commercial free, dead time free, snap by snap action the day after a contest. You can down four NFL games in four hours.
It’s a fantastic tool, it exposes the game to it’s everyday fans and let’s me a sports blogger in Utah analyze the Cleveland Browns and the rest of the league even though I only get Raiders and Broncos games in market.
It also provides all-22 tape and here in lies the rub. Scouting, a huge hobby taken on by anyone who watches NFL is nearly impossible to do without an all-22 connect. Why not make public all-22 tape after the season ends?
The draft complex is booming, it is an opportunity for the NCAA and the power conferences to swing and make money. So why is no such service available?
Because college coaches view program data as CIA level clearance data? Quite possibly, those guys are the definition of insane. Why though? The NFL publicly publishes all-22 after the games every week, you don’t see CIA level agent Bill Belichick freaking out about it.
If that’s the issue, promise coaches cuts from the product, promise conferences cuts. Imagine the money to be made, if each individual conference sold their own version of gamepass for $100 a year. That money would go back to the conferences, which AD in America doesn’t want that?
The fact a service like this doesn’t exist is frankly insane. It’s a no doubt money maker and a way to expand the sport. I can’t watch every college football game, I have to keep my eyes locked to the teams in Utah.
If I had access to every game in the SEC though in 45 minute chunks, I would absoloutely watch those. I would also easily latch on to a team and buy merch from them. This further hammers home the fact, you need to create this system.
It expands the fan base of college football, it helps the draft community, it allows for more revenue for conferences and in turn college programs.
Whoever is in power, it’s time to create these type of services ASAP.