An Ode To Andrew Luck

I saw a post today calling Andrew Luck soft. So I wrote a poem about Andrew Luck.



For five years he was slammed into the ground

Thrown against the tough turfed cement

Driven into the green

He continued to get back up

Until one day he didn’t

He stepped away from the world and into the abyss

Life became the game and the game remained unchanged


This was inspired by some mouth breathing keyboard warrior, not much unlike the one that types this blog out, who had the audacity to call Luck soft. What kind of charlatan is this internet low life? The lowest form of comment section scum.

The toughness of the NFL QB is unmatched. To experience a full-on bike crash where you are hit by a moving car 5-10 times a day and to continue to roll on is remarkable. It is often overlooked how tough one has to be to play NFL QB.

I am generally bothered by these key board warriors that call themselves “Scouts” but are really nothing more than amateur hobbyhorsists, fine enjoy a hobby, I do the same thing, but to go and attack a players love of the game when you have no knowledge of that player’s personality. Or to call out “character flaws”, shut up you don’t know these people, you are not sitting down with them. Stay in your lane stick to what you have evidence of.

Perhaps more blogs like this to come.