Resurrection Why We Love Comebacks. Sports and Faith.

This piece was originally written and published for the Mount Tabor Lutheran Church April News Letter Enjoy.



In 2016 the Cleveland Cavaliers fell down three to one in in a seven game series against the Golden State Warriors. The world didn’t turn its back on the Cavs though. America watched and saw one of the greatest sports comebacks of all times as the Cavaliers won the series in a dramatic game 7. We as a society love the come back of not just pro athletes but anyone in society who has fallen on hard times getting back up and clawing there way to the top.
               I wonder if people turned away when Jesus was crucified. It seems likely. Here you are someone who believes in this messiah, suddenly he’s killed. Its over, you begin your life a new and prepare to go back to living under the crushing fist of the roman empire. No one knew Jesus was going to come back. The three women lead by Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to preform last rituals on Jesuses body. They thought he was dead and when Mary found the tomb empty she was devastated until the angels told her the good news. If that isn’t a comeback I don’t know what is.


               Why do we love comebacks? Why do we need to see someone get so low in life to begin routing for them? Why can’t we pick an average Joe who is doing fine to route for why do we need rock bottom, near death to succeed? Is it because of Jesus? Throughout the history of sports people have loved the comeback because they love seeing people fight through adversity. Not everyone gave up on Jesus though. On the cross by him were the thieves who in the end were considered true believers. For a comeback story to exist not only does the comeback have to happen but the fan must be the thief. Down on their luck, at their lowest moment, but still even at the moment of death pure unhindered belief resides in their spirit that their team will win. Again they must carry the human spirit. Jesus on Easter Sunday is the Personification of the human spirit. The personification of why we love a good come back story. Betrayed, beaten, dragged through the mud, killed. In the end though, he does not truly die he comes back and gives us the biggest W in human history. Forgiveness for all of our sins.