The Jensen Mailbag

Answering the biggest questions in sports and life the Jensen Mailbag.
Hi and Hello all, as a humble young internet blogger I receive hundreds of pieces of fan mail every month. I feel it is only right I reach out to my loyal fans and answer there questions, sports related and other wise. Let’s begin.



Joseph from Washington DC asks, Is it the Caps year?
He is of course referring to the long-suffering hockey franchise that is the Washington Capitals. I am going to go out on a limb and say yes Joseph. No one has paid a lot of attention to the Caps this year with Nashville, Boston, Vegas, Tampa and Winnipeg stealing the spotlight. The whole world will pick against the caps this year so reverse psychology they will make it to the Eastern conference finals.



Sidney from Long Beach CA. asks, Are the Warriors done without Curry?
Depends on what you mean by done. Will they lose in the first round? No. There is a chance he comes back in the second round and plays poorly due to health though, my pick for the NBA champion is still undecided but I am leaning further and further away from the Warriors.



Colton from Omaha NE. asks, do you believe in Aliens?
The answer Colton is yes. Anyone who is foolish enough to think that in a universe as full as ours we are the only life is not worthy of your trust. Listen they probably aren’t big green people but microbes are life, plants are life, their are aliens somewhere out there.



Patricia from Western Mass asks, Who is your favorite Beatle and why?
This is an excellent question. I’m not quite sure, what I do know is this. John Lennons hair at the mid stage of his Beatles career, aka Help, was on point. Good hair respects good hair. Yes he was kind of a how can I nicely say, a turd, it turns out if you do some reading on Lennon but he is my favorite Beatle. Sultry voice, no filter, blunt, good hair that’s my kinda guy.
Well this was fun, see you next week America.